Women Employment Challenges in Gegharkunik Region

Martuni Women Community Council NGO


Women unemployment is a problem in Gegharkunik that is hindering the socio-economic development of the regions. There are economic, social, and cultural issues that need to be tackled with the combined efforts of public and private sectors through targeted short-term and long-term interventions to reduce the unemployment and, thus, contribute to the future development of the region.

The study revealed that there is high unemployment among the women in rural communities of Gegharkunik. Women face many challenges and obstacles to access job market. Moreover, even employed women need to deal with various forms of discrimination and rights violations that hinders women efficient and equal participation in economic development of the region. Most of the unemployed women face the long-lasting unemployment that makes them more detached and uncompetitive in the labor market. In fact a considerable percentage of women are unemployed due to family responsibilities and because of various discomfiting factors such as social perception of certain gender roles and banning women from basic activities such as: driving a car, working as manager or CEO, starting a business and other. Among most common factors of women unemployment are lack of jobs and gender based discrimination. However, education can make a difference: unemployment is lower among women with higher education than those with secondary education,

The target group of the research is rural unemployed women over the age of 18 in Gegharkunik region.

The present research paper covers multiple aspects of unemployment in Gegharkunik region. Multiple angles have been studied such as: legislative environment and gaps hindering women unemployment, current situation of labor market and labor demand in light of available opportunities and challenges. To complete the picture of unemployment in the region number of interviews were conducted among the target group.

To read the full Paper, please follow the link.

This research was implemented within the CSF Armenian National Platform Secretariat support to the ANP Working Groups’ activities.

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