Digital Security Incidents against the Armenian Civil Society in 2019 – 2020

Artur Papyan

Media Diversity Institute – Armenia


This research aims to present the general trends in digital security and targeted cyberattacks against the Armenia civil society over the past two years, to take an in-depth look at some of the most prominent incidents and thus help the civil society better prepare for the future.

The data for this research was collected via the CyberHUB-AM digital support helpdesk, established by the Media Diversity Institute – Armenia in 2019.

CyberHUB-AM is an IT support hub and a Threat lab for the Armenian civil society — NGOs, Human Rights defenders, activists, journalists and independent media. It serves as a contact point and a help desk for the abovementioned groups in Armenia and collects, analyzes and, where appropriate, responsibly and anonymously shares incident data and threat indicators with the global threat intelligence community.

Media Diversity Institute – Armenia (MDIA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that seeks to leverage the power of the traditional media, social media and new technologies to safeguard human rights, help build a democratic, civil society, give voice to the voiceless and deepen the collective understanding of different types of social diversity. MDIA was established on April 18, 2006. Since 2018 MDIA has become more involved in Digital Security, technologies for exposing disinformation and misinformation and has provided IT audits, risk assessments, triage and security incident response to dozens of prominent Armenian Human Rights and media organizations, activists, journalists.

To read the full Paper, please follow the link

This research was implemented within the CSF Armenian National Platform Secretariat support to the ANP Working Groups’ activities.

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